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Zambia Joins 50-in-5!

On June 6th, it was announced that the Government of Zambia, represented by the SMART Zambia Institute within the E-Government Division, is joining the 50-in-5 campaign! Their participation marks the 15th country to join the campaign since it was launched in just November 2023!

By joining the 50-in-5 campaign, the Government of Zambia will be able to accelerate learnings around the implementation of core digital public infrastructure components, including digital cash transfer and data exchange systems that they are already planning. Doing so will enable Zambia to enhance access to services in priority areas such as food security, financial inclusion, social protection, and women’s economic empowerment. Similarly, other participating countries will have the opportunity to learn from Zambia’s experiences and best practices in order to improve their own digital public infrastructure implementations.

To learn more about Zambia’s participation in 50-in-5, read their press release and visit the SMART Zambia website.